Opportunity International

Opportunity International designs, delivers, and scales innovative financial solutions that help families living in extreme poverty build sustainable livelihoods and access quality education for their children. We equip families with the tools and training they need to build their businesses, improve their harvests, provide for their families, send their children to school, and break the cycle of poverty.


Our solution is free enterprise to educate impoverished children. There are hundreds of thousands of low-fee, independent schools started by local, social entrepreneurs who are from the same disadvantaged communities they serve and understand clearly the needs of the children.  Join us as we come alongside these dedicated entrepreneurs who need access to training, capital, and technology to grow their schools.

Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International (FGBMFI)

Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International (FGBMFI) is the largest network of Christian Businessmen in the world. Founded in 1952, we are in over 85 nations - meeting in thousands of chapters. 

​FGBMFI's primary strategy is executed on the local level, yet the organization is global in scope and reach. Designed to be a grassroots movement, the structure of our organization purposefully attempts to push resources to the local level - equipping the member to impact his or her local community or city.

Luke Society

The Luke Society provides resources and support for international Christian health visionaries who are passionate about ministering to the needs in their own cultures. Our ministry empowers nationals to share the saving grace of the Gospel through preaching, teaching and healing. Read more about who we are and what we do here.